Being cyber secure

Dr. Thomas Kaczmarek shares some thoughts on cybersecurity amid October, Cyber Security Awareness Month.

Marquette University
We Are Marquette


Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

By Anna Wallace, communication intern in the Office of Marketing and Communication

October is Cyber-Security Awareness Month — a month dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of being safe online, and educating people on the resources they need to remain secure when surfing the web.

Dr. Thomas Kaczmarek

Here, in a brief Q&A, Dr. Thomas Kaczmarek, director of the Masters in Computer Program in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Computer Science, offers his thoughts on cyber security in the information age amid expanding technology.

Why is cyber security more important now than ever before?

Cyber security is becoming more of a concern as technology advances and more people make technology a part of their everyday life with things like online bill pay, record keeping, etc.

As noted by the Identity Theft Resource Center, there has been a substantial increase in the severity and the number of cybercrimes in the last five years.

How is cyber security changing?

Beyond the increase in cybercrime incidents, the sophistication of hackers has grown, and some cybercriminals have gone into the business of selling tools to other hackers.

Fictitious websites that look just like the real ones, email spoofing from authorities, cyber extortion via email, and texting schemes are examples of hacker tactics that are on the rise. Unfortunately, anti-virus software, firewalls and other technology does little, if anything, to protect against any of these.

Once inside a system, hackers can spend months inside of a business’ IT (Information Technology) systems before they find something of value to them. In the meantime, the criminals create easy entry points in case they are discovered and hide their tracks as they do reconnaissance.

Hackers are attacking anyone including hospital systems that may have life-and-death consequences

What are some basic things people can and should do to ensure their cyber security?

Simply put, a great resource to answer this question is to visit STOP.THINK.CONNECT — a website devoted to keeping the web a safer place for everyone.

The site features tips and advice, research and surveys, blogs and more meant to help individuals mark smart decision about their security online.

In addition to showcasing basic online safety tips in several languages, they have special guidance for those using the internet to plan weddings, shop for the holidays, etc.

What are some, if any, common misconceptions about cyber security?

The biggest misconception is that only technical people need to be aware of cyber threats, and that technical solutions are sufficient when most cybercrime happens when a user clicks on the wrong thing.
Another misconception is that cyber security careers are only for the tech savvy. In reality, there is a need for people who can perform many other jobs like risk analysis and awareness training.

What are some ways Marquette is using its resources to recognize Cyber Security Awareness Month?

There are a number of things going on at Marquette to recognize Cyber Security Awareness Month.

Visit the Cyber Security Awareness and Cyber Defense webpage to learn more.

